5th Grade Red Grooms Lesson
The selected
artwork: Red Grooms Lysiane and Chow Chow
Objective: The students
will create a watercolor self portrait with an animal silhouette on top of a
repeated pattern in the negative space.
Essential Question: How can my identity be expressed through the
images in my artwork.
Vocabulary: elements and principles of art, contour line,
positive and negative space, portrait, exaggeration
knowledge: the students will have studied and experimented with the elements
and principles of art.
Time Frame: Week 5 or 6
Tennessee Art Standards
1.4 Analyze
and apply a variety of processes.
1.4 Explore
and implement various ways of sequentially developing art from a concept to
teacher-selected outcomes.
1.4.2 Organize and execute a variety of
teacher-coached processes.
2.2 Apply the elements of art.
2.2 Create artwork using the elements of
art with specific intent.
2.2.3 Experiment with chosen elements in
one’s own artwork.
2.4 Apply principles of design.
2.4 Create artwork using the principles
of deign with specific intent.
2.4.3 Experiment with chosen principles
of design in one’s own artwork.
3.1 Plan, design, and demonstrate
subject matter, symbols, and ideas in one’s art.
Select and execute combinations of subject matter, symbols, and ideas in one’s
art with teacher facilitation.
Integrate subject matter, symbols, and ideas in one’s own artwork as coached by
the teacher.
5.1 Analyze and justify the
characteristics and merits of one’s artwork.
Deconstruct the characteristics and merits of one’s own artwork as guided,
modeled or coached by the teacher.
Critique the characteristics and merits of one’s own artwork as facilitated by
the teacher.
x 18” white paper
paint or pencil
Grooms images
Day One:
The students will create a
contour of a vase with a simple pattern in the negative space. The drawing will
be done in their sketchbook.
The teacher will discuss the
vocabulary words of positive and negative space.
Step one: The students will read
about Red Grooms:
About Red Grooms
Red Grooms was
born in Nashville, Tennessee in 1937. He attended Peabody College in Nashville,
the New School for Social Research in New York City, the Art Institute in
Chicago, Illinois, and the Hans Hoffmann School. In 1961 he married first wife
Mimi Gross, who worked in close collaboration with him. Grooms began exhibiting
in 1958 as well as performing public pieces which came to be known as
“happenings.” As the creator of one of the first “happenings”, Grooms turned
away from Abstract Expressionism formerly in favor and forged the way for the
Pop Art movement. Like a number of other artists in the late 1950s, he was
drawn to art forms that maximized the experience of three dimensions and was
clearly representational in striking contrast to the one and even
two-dimensional similarities of most abstract art of the time.
sculpture wire, vinyl, elastic, fabric, wood, and any other materials needed,
he constructed large-scale environments peopled by various human figures. These
“sculpto-picto-ramas” were sometimes based very directly on particular
settings, people or events. His work displays a sophisticated knowledge of the
history of art and incorporates some stylistic approaches of the abstract
expressionists in the shaping and coloring of figures.

Step Two: The students will look at various
portraits that Red Grooms has created. The teacher will emphasize the
exaggeration of the facial features along with the contour of the face.
Step Three: The students will be given a mirror to
do a quick contour self portrait or a contour drawing of the person across from
Step Four: The teacher will project Lysiane and
Chow Chow on the screen along with the word exaggeration. The students will
brainstorm at their tables how the word and the image are connected. The tables
will select on person to be the spokesperson to express their thoughts.
Step Five: The students will transfer the self
portrait onto the 12” x 18” white paper with pencil. The portriat will be on
the right side of the paper.
Day Two
Bell ringer:
The students will
explain the vocabulary words contour line and exaggeration in their
Step One: There will be
photocopies of various animals along with adjectives. The students will match
the animals with the adjectives in the groups at their tables. There will be a
round robin class discussion.
Step Two: The students
will write an answer to if I were an
animal I would be (and why) in
their sketchbooks.
Step Three: The students
will lightly sketch out the animal that they wrote about on the left side of
the 12” x 18” paper.
Day Three
Bell ringer:
The students will divide
a piece of sketchbook into four sections. Within each section the students will
create a different pattern with pencil.
Step One: The students
will discuss the use of positive and negative space in the Lysiane and Chow Chow .
Step Two: The students
will lightly draw a pattern in the negative space of the 12” x 18” paper.
Step Three: The teacher
will demonstrate how to use watercolor paint with washes.
Day Four
Bell ringer:
In their sketchbooks the
students will (with one color) create five variations between a wash and
Step One: The teacher
will restate the procedure for using the watercolor materials along with the
clean up procedure.
Step Two: The students
will paint their self portraits with watercolor paint.
Step Three: The students
will clean up their areas.
Assessment: There will
be a rubric for this assignment that will be posted throughout the lesson. The
teacher will periodically explain to the students (particularly the last day)
what their grade will be based on.
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