Red Grooms Unit Plan Outline
I. Enduring Theme: Identity
a. Topic: Myself and My Places
b. Grade level: First Grade
II. Rationale: As first graders, young students are just beginning to learn about themselves as individuals. While they are aware of friends and others, their main concerns are about themselves. This unit will help them recognize that their identity is not only about what they look like, but about things they like and don’t like. Using themselves and their favorites as the subjects of their artwork will help them realize different ways they can express themselves in their art.
III. Essential Questions
a. What is identity?
b. How can I show my identity through subject matter other than self- portraiture?
c. What do my favorite places mean to and say about me?
IV. Unit Objectives
a. Students will learn how artists can express ideas about themselves in different ways.
b. Students will understand and demonstrate their ability to create artwork through drawing, painting, and collage, using self- portraits, architecture, people, and illustration as subject matter.
c. The students will understand and demonstrate the use of:
1. Elements of art: texture, line, shape, color, space
2. Principles of design: pattern, proportion, balance
in their artwork.
D. Students will begin to explore Art Criticism through Description and Judgment.
V. GLE’s a. See instructional guide
VI. Assessment
a. Informal and formal assessments using multiple devices such as but not
limited to:
i. Group participation
ii. Rubrics
iii. Artist statements
iv. other teacher chosen assessments
VII. Lesson 1: Knowledge Building/Production
Resources: On the Aegean, Mr. & Mrs. Rembrandt, Self-Portrait 1993
Materials: 12x18 paper, pencils, crayons, sharpies
Lesson Plan: Self-Portrait
1. Students will observe and discuss the artworks, noting how Red Grooms included favorite places as his background: the woods in the self portrait, the boat and ocean in On the Aegean, and details of a favorite room in the Rembrandt.
2. Students will describe some of their favorite places, and brainstorm what could be symbols for them, i.e., McDonald’s arches, waterslide at Nashville Shores, trees and swing set for a park, etc.
3. Students will draw a head-and-shoulders self-portrait making sure to include symbols of their favorite places in the background.
4. Vocabulary: self- portrait, draw, outline, balance
5. Art Criticism: Describe details in Grooms’ work. Judgment: I like this work because ________.
VIII. Lesson 2: Knowledge Building/Production
Resources: Lysiane and Chow Chow, Mr. and Mrs. Rembrandt
Explorations in Art, pp. 22-25 (good examples of animal textures)
Materials: texture rubbing plates, broken crayons, newsprint (3 pcs. per student)
12x18 paper, (pencils), oil pastels, pictures of animals
Lesson Plan: Drawing with Patterns and Textures (this will take two class sessions)
1. Students will examine and discuss artworks, learning about texture and pattern. Note how Grooms used both in his work. Also, tell students that Lysiane is his wife, and Chow Chow is their pet, a favorite animal.
2. Students will make texture rubbings using texture plates or other materials provided. Teacher will demonstrate how to draw some of the textures; students will practice.
3. Students will sketch, then use oil pastels to complete a drawing of themselves interacting with a favorite animal in one of their favorite places. They will include texture and pattern on the animal and in the background and foreground.
4. Vocabulary: texture, pattern, sketch, background, foreground, space
5. Art Criticism: I included ______ in my picture. I like/don’t like my picture because __________.
IX. Lesson 4: Production
Resources: Convent St. Hilaire, Menerbes 2002; The Flatiron Building
Materials: 18x24 paper, tempera paint, brushes, etc.
Lesson Plan: My Favorite Building: Identity through Architecture
1. Students will look at Groom’s work, examples of Gaudi, and Nashville buildings, noting patterns, shapes, and how Grooms and Gaudi seem to exaggerate features of the buildings, through shape and color.
2. Students will paint their favorite building, using favorite colors – the building does not have to be its real color.
3. Vocabulary: unreal color, exaggerate, shape, pattern, space
4. Art Criticism: Compare/contrast details in the different buildings. Judgment: I like this work because ________.
X. Lesson 5: Production
Resources: Girls Jumping Rope, Mr. & Mrs. Rembrandt, Elvis, Slam Dunk, Jackson in Action (all three, Explorations in Art,
pp. 42-45, 148-149, 162-163.
Materials: a variety of papers, ribbon, lace, etc., scissors, glue, paper for
background, texture rubbings from previous lesson, markers
Lesson Plan: I Like to Play!
1. Students will discuss artworks, looking at body positions, action, proportion (head is smaller than body, arms are shorter than legs), locations.
2. Students will create 1) Background with markers, then 2) collage of themselves engaged in a favorite playtime activity, or dressing up. They can add further details (embellish) with markers.
3. Vocabulary: collage, embellish, proportion
XI. Knowledge Building/Production
Resources: Tea and Sympathy, Shanghai; Snow Down ( ),
Explorations in Art, pp. 76-79
Materials: pencils, primary lined paper, 12x18 paper, crayons, sharpies
Lesson Plan: Let Me Tell You My Story - Illustration
1. Students will look at the artworks and brainstorm possible stories. They will discuss details that help “tell” the story, and describe the setting of the stories.
2. Students will write a short story about themselves that happened in a favorite place. (At this stage, they may only be able to write 2 or 3 sentences, or may need to dictate their stories. Be ready to help.)
3. Students will illustrate their stories using crayons and sharpies for outlining. They will include details showing the favorite place, other people, and what they did.
4. Vocabulary: illustrate/illustration
5. Art Criticism: I included ______ in my picture. I like/don’t like my picture because __________.
XII. Final Reflection: Students will look at all their work in this unit and answer the essential questions as posed by the teacher.
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