Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Dear Fellow MNPS Art Teachers,
Each of us works very hard each day making a difference in our students lives.  Collectively we also have the power to make a difference in the broader Nashville community.   Our district-wide work with this year’s study of Red Grooms has inspired parents and students at Lockeland Design Center to make an organized effort to renew interest in the Tennessee Fox Trot Carousel. The following blog site was created to provide you with a place filled with resources and information to inspire your students to write letters in favor or against returning Red Grooms’ carousel into public use.  There are many local organizations and leaders interested in seeing the carousel being restored and they tell me the only thing missing is US, the community voices.  
By focusing on such a positive and educational project we can also demonstrate the amazing changes that teachers can make when working together with autonomy, purpose and mastery of our subject.  I hope you will join in the fun and engage your students in the mind opening process of advocating for the arts in our community.
Please visit:   http://tennesseefoxtrot.blogspot.com/  to learn how you and your students can become involved in this history making endeavor.
Thank you,
Camilla Spadafino
Art Teacher
Lockeland Design Center